Point Loma Veterinary Clinic
1964 Sunset Cliffs BlvdSan Diego, CA 92107(619)222-4482
We know that
your pets play
a huge role in your
Let us help keep them happy and healthy.
Your local veterinary clinic in Point Loma, California

If you need help budgeting for your pet's medical care, CareCredit can help pay for our-of-pocket healthcare expenses.
Click the logo above to learn more about how it works, how it can help you and even apply online.
Click here to start an application if you're interested.
Need to pay using your Care Credit? Click here to make a payment.

Most people wish they had pet insurance when their pet develops a medical/surgical problem that they haven't budgeted for. It's important to get pet insurance before a medical problem develops otherwise the condition will be "pre-existing" and will not be reimbursed. Click here to learn more.
5% Military Discount for Veterinary Services when shown ID.
5% discount for military personnel/family members for veterinary services, exams, vaccines, lab tests, Rx's, medical diets and products.
Thank you for your service!
*Must present valid military ID.

Zoetis Rewards
Let us help you save money when you buy Zoetis flea, heartworm and arthritis medications.
Kidney Awareness Month
Does your pet drink a lot of water? There are several medical conditions that can increase thirst in your pet and it is important to know why your pet drinks a lot by performing several diagnostic tests and procedures.
The following conditions are associated with your pet drinking a lot of water: 1) Kidney diseases-most common cause of excessive water consumption 2) Diabetes mellitus-high blood sugar levels due to deficient Insulin secretion 3) Diabetes insipidus-Anti-Diuretic Hormone deficiency-uncontrolled urination 4) Cushing’s Disease-elevated cortisone levels with physical appearance changes 5) Liver diseases-cellular dysfunction leads to polydipsia & polyuria
We will concentrate on Kidney diseases because they are more common than the other diseases listed above. There are fortunately a variety of therapeutic options that can help your pet live a longer, healthier life if kidney disease is detected early by blood and urine tests which are listed below:
- Kidney disease diets
- Fluid therapy
- Antibiotics if urinary infection
- Potassium supplement
- Phosphorus binder
- B vitamins & iron
- Anti-nausea Rx
- Hormone to reduce anemia
- Appetite stimulant
- Rx to reduce proteinuria
- Omega-3 product
- Source of fiber to reduce constipation
- Blood pressure Rx
The following diagnostic tests & procedures and prescription diets are discounted in the month of March as Kidney Awareness Month:
15% discount on any of the following:
- Complete blood panel
- Urinalysis
- Blood pressure
- Urine protein to creatinine ratio test
- Abdominal X-rays or Ultrasound
- Urine culture
5% discount on Kidney diets during March