Point Loma Veterinary Clinic

1964 Sunset Cliffs Blvd
San Diego, CA 92107



Welcome! Comfortable seating, magazines, informational brochures, and a huge toy box can all be found here.Three spacious exam rooms are available to examine your pet in a bright, clean, odor-free setting.What To ExpectX-Ray facilities are available for diagnosing orthopedic, spine, chest and abdominal abnormalities.We have an in-house laboratory where we run complete blood and urine analysis tests, check for fecal parasites, review cytology preps, measure blood sugar, screen for heartworms and set up fungal cultures.Our pet food room is stocked with brands formulated for the optimum health of your pet. We have a fully stocked pharmacy for all of your pet's prescription needs. Bitter medicines can be formulated into pet-friendly, flavored liquids. PrevNextPause 12345678910Grooming - Our professional groomer has a spacious, elevated tub with a warm water massage sprayer.Anesthesia & Surgery - We use isoflurane anesthesia almost exclusively. All instruments for surgery and dentistry are properly sterilized.Our kennels are new and constructed with a formica-like surface (which is warmer than stainless steel). Kitties are given furry pillows and dogs are pampered with fleece beds while hospitalized. PrevNextPause 1234